Accounts for, 79.01
Administration by revenue department, 79.09
Appropriation, 20.835
Computer exemption reimbursement, 79.095
County and municipal aid, 79.035
County mandate relief, 79.058
Definitions, 79.005
Distributions, 79.02, 79.043, 79.10
Corrections, 79.08
Minimum and maximum, 79.06
Entitlements calculations, 79.03
Estimated payments, statement of, revenue dept. to provide to municipalities and counties, 79.015
Expenditure restraint program, 79.05
Municipalities formed after 1976, 79.006
Population estimates for state shared revenue distribution, 16.96 (2)
Property tax credits, 79.10, 79.13, 79.14
Corrections, 79.175, 79.18
Public utility distribution, 79.04
state auditor STATE AUDITOR
state capitol and executive residence board STATE CAPITOL AND EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE BOARD
Creation, membership, terms, 15.105 (5)
Duties, 16.83
General provisions, 15.07
Officer selection, 15.07 (2) (j)
state courts, director of STATE COURTS, DIRECTOR OF
state fair park board STATE FAIR PARK BOARD
See Fairs
state geologist STATE GEOLOGIST
Appointment by regents, 36.09 (1)
Geological and natural history survey, 36.25 (6)
Mineral exploration reports, 107.15
state lottery STATE LOTTERY
state patrol STATE PATROL
state public defender STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER
state public employee trust funds STATE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE TRUST FUNDS
Generally, Ch. 40
Accounts, 40.04
Administrative account, maintenance, 40.04 (2)
Actuary, duties, 40.03 (5)
Annuity reserve, 40.04 (6)
Appeal, determination of employee's status, 40.06 (1)
Auxiliary instructional employees, eligible for coverage, 115.29 (3)
Benefits, generally:
Abandonment, 40.08 (8)
Assignments, 40.08
Benefit rate, defined, 40.02
Corrections, 40.08
Limitation, 40.08 (10)
Disposition of money, assumed consent, 40.08 (11)
Exemptions of, 40.08 (1)
Monthly, 40.19 (4) (g)
Payments to minors and incompetents, 40.08 (9)
Preserved, 40.19 (2m)
Waivers of, 40.08 (3)
Withholding payments, child support delinquents, 40.08 (1c), (1g), 49.852
Contributions, 40.05
Benefit adjustment, 40.05 (2m)
Rate adjustment, 40.05 (2n)
Deferred compensation board:
Creation, members, terms, 15.165 (4)
Powers and duties, 40.80
Definitions, 40.02
Disability benefits:
Disability annuities, 40.63
Income continuation coverage, 40.61
Income continuation insurance benefits, 40.62
Protective occupation participants, 40.63 (4)
Duty benefits, 40.65
Elected official:
Includes legislative chief clerk and sergeant at arms, 40.02 (24)
Retirement date, 40.23 (1) (f)
Employee accumulation reserve, 40.04 (4)
Employee-funded reimbursement accounts, 40.04 (9m), 40.85
Administrative and contract costs, 40.85 (2), 40.875
Covered expenses, 40.86
Fee, 40.05 (8)
Treatment of compensation, 40.87
Employer accumulation reserve, 40.04 (5)
Employers, error in reporting to department, 40.08 (5)
False claims, 943.395